C.S. Venkitaraman Memorial Lectures
CSV served the cause of mathematics teaching well during his long career
as a teacher at Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur. He enjoyed teaching
to students at lower levels. He motivated his students properly and was in
the habit of drawing illustrations from every day life while introducing
new concepts. CSV was a member of Indian Mathematical Society since 1945,
and it was CSV who represented Kerala at conferences and meetings for a
long time. CSV took pleasure in pursuing mathematics and in particular
number theory. He derived a new identity for multiplicative functions of
two variables. Vaidyanathaswamy’s identity for multiplicative functions
which appeared in Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. in 1931 can be deduced from that of
CSV. He was awarded PhD degree by Madras university in 1952 for his thesis
entitled ‘Contributions to the theory of multiplicative functions’. A.C.
Vasu and R. Sivaramakrishnan were his doctoral students.
Due to CSV’s active interest in research, the Department of Mathematics, Sree Kerala Varma College was recognized as a research centre for Mathematics by the University of Kerala in 1961. CSV’s tenure of office at this college was a golden era of the mathematics department. He didn’t accept principalship as that would deprive him of his passion to do mathematics teaching. CSV passed away on 16th of March 1994.
- S. Bhargava and Ravi Kulkarni
2004 - 19th RMS Meeting at Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University - S. Parvathi and B.S. Kiranagi
2003 - 18th RMS Meeting at Annamalai University - M.K. Sen and Geetha S. Rao
2002 - 17th RMS Meeting at Banaras Hindu University - B.D. Acharya and A.P. Singh
2001 - 16th RMS Meeting at Fergusson College, Pune - R. Parimala
2000 - 15th RMS Meeting at University of Madras - T. Soundarajan
1999 - 14th RMS Meeting at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - P. Kannappan
1998 - 13th RMS Meeting at M.S.University, Trinelveli - Balwant Singh
1997 - 12th RMS Meeting at Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engg. Shimoga, Karnataka - S. Ramanan
1996 - 11th RMS Meeting at Maulan Azad College of Technology