Newsletter Overview
During 1991, the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) organized a
conference on ‘Development of Mathematics’ at BARC, Mumbai. At this
conference, a suggestion was made to start a mathematics newsletter to
cater to the needs of mathematics teachers, research scholars and
students. While accepting the suggestion, NBHM wanted RMS to run the
newsletter. R. Balakrishnan was its Chief Editor from 1991 (the year of
starting) until 2002. Currently, S. Ponnusamy of IIT Madras is the
Chief Editor.
The Mathematics Newsletter (MNL) publishes expository articles highlighting the latest achievements in the field of mathematics, news of events relevant to mathematics like upcoming mathematics workshops, conferences and exhibitions, international initiatives related to mathematics and things that come under the purview of outreach.
MNL is a quarterly journal published in March, June, September and December of each year. The first issue of any new volume is published in June.
The Mathematics Newsletter is fully funded by NBHM. It is currently being mailed free to some 1800 institutions throughout India.